The Mortal Engines Honest Trailer.

Brutal, but presumably fair. I didn’t actually see Mortal Engines, and apparently neither did almost anybody else. I probably should have, but this Honest Trailer raises a compelling argument as to why I was probably right not to, all along.

…And a part of me is going ‘Dammit.’ It was, perhaps, just not gonzo enough.

The Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Honest Trailer.

I’ve been waiting for this one, and Honest Trailers still managed to achieve tactical surprise for their take on Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse*. I won’t spoil things. Go ahead and watch; it’s clever.

Continue reading The Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Honest Trailer.

The ‘A Star is Born’ Honest Trailer.

I’m actually wondering now whether I should see A Star is Born 4.0.2.

I didn’t bother because it’s, as the Honest Trailer points out, simultaneously a remake of all the other Stars Are Born and apparently pulling stuff from a movie called Crazy Heart, which is also apparently drawing from the Stars, and it’s all very meta, no? — But apparently (as one reviewer put it) Bradley Cooper can sing, and Lady Gaga can act. Go figure.

Moe Lane

PS: I was expecting to see the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse Honest Trailer today, honestly. But that was because I thought the DVD release date was laste week, not next month. My bad.

The Halloween (2018) Honest Trailer.

Honest Trailers was mostly “it was all right” about Halloween (2018)

…but when they got to the true crime podcasters in that movie, well.  Honest Trailers had views on them, let me tell you.  Somewhat waspish views, too.  The kind that professionals have when Hollywood gets the technical details wrong.  Seriously, listening to said views was what made me put this one up.