In Nomine Revisited: Lorelei, Bright Lilim of Divine Fire.

That ‘Divine Fire’ thing is a reference to about ten years’ worth of a quiet struggle of mine to redefine a certain aspect of the In Nomine in-game universe to the point where everybody would forget that it had ever been anything else. I’ve always regretting not knowing if it would have succeeded, in the end. Alas.


Bright Lilim of Divine Fire

Corporeal Forces: 3 Strength: 6 Agility: 6

Ethereal Forces: 3 Intelligence: 6 Precision: 6

Celestial Forces: 3 Will: 6 Perception: 6

Vessel: female vessel/1, +1 Charisma

Skills: Dodge/1, Driving/1, Fighting/1, Move Silently/1, Savoir-Faire/1, Small Weapon/1 (Whip)

Songs: Healing (Corporeal/1), Shields (Corporeal/1)

Attunements: Bright Lilim of Divine Fire, Ofanite of Divine Fire

Role: Rich Socialite/6, Status/6 (“Laura Meadows”)

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Lorelei, Bright Lilim of Divine Fire.

In Nomine Revisited: Jeduthun, Kyriotate of War


Kyriotate of War

Corporeal Forces: 4 Strength: 9 Agility: 7

Ethereal Forces: 4 Intelligence: 7 Precision: 9

Celestial Forces: 4 Will: 8 Perception: 8

Vessel: two vessels/3 (defaults to male/3 and female/3, dependant on mission; one will typically have Charisma +1)

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In Nomine Revisited: Eggur, Outcast Grigori of War.


Outcast Grigori of War

Corporeal Forces: 3 Strength: 7 Agility: 8

Ethereal Forces: 3 Intelligence: 6 Precision: 9

Celestial Forces: 4 Will: 9 Perception: 10

Vessel: slight human male/4

Note that Eggur has boosted his Attributes to the maximum possible without taking an extra Force.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Eggur, Outcast Grigori of War.

In Nomine Revisited: Alleyne, Kyriotate Angel of Artillery


Kyriotate Master of Valor

Angel of Artillery

Corporeal Forces: 5  Strength: 8 Agility: 12

Ethereal Forces: 5     Intelligence: 8 Precision: 12

Celestial Forces: 5    Will: 10 Perception: 10

Word-Forces: 8

Vessel: none (see below)

Skills: Computer Operations/3, Dodge/3, Electronics/3, Fighting/1, Knowledge (Ballistics/6, Math/6, Soldier/6), Languages (English/3, German/3, Russian/3), Large Weapon/3 (bayonet), Ranged Weapon (Artillery/6, rifle/6, pistol/6), Savoir-Faire/1, Small Weapon/3 (knife), Tracking/1

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In Nomine Revisited: Triad 555.

Triad 555

As a rule, Servitors of Judgment don’t usually deal with actual demonic activity — they’re usually too busy hunting down infiltrators, traitors, and angelic criminals.  Love them or hate them, it’s a Truth that the Inquisition is always insanely busy. Much as they would like to be otherwise, it’s often effectively impossible to cull the worst examples of the Unjust on the Other Side — or even just put the fear of God into them.

‘Often’, however, does not equal ‘never’.

Triad 555 consists of the following:

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Triad 555.

In Nomine Revisited: Timmy

Ah, Timmy. One of my favorite In Nomine NPCs. And why I should probably never run a game in that universe where the PCs are all demons. I’d just be awful to them, and then laugh about it afterward because hey, they’re playing demons.


Damned Soul

Corporeal Forces: 1 Strength: 2 Agility: 2

Ethereal Forces: 1 Intelligence: 2 Precision: 2

Celestial Forces:1 Will: 2 Perception: 2

Charisma -1 (Or whatever the equivalent is for Hell)

Skills: Knowledge (Finding the inconvenient little holes in your plan that you somehow didn’t notice and certainly didn’t want brought to Kronos’ attention, anyway/6 [Mastery], How to be an absolutely infuriating little rotter/6 [Mastery])

Songs: Doesn’t need them.

Attunements: Doesn’t need them.

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In Nomine Revisited: The Wave Motion Gun.

Wave Motion Gun

Relic/6 (unknown and obnoxious Song) 18pt*

Self powered  0pt

Disturbance: special -8pt

Fragility: Unbreakable, dammit +5pt

Tracking: special -2pt

Use Restriction: Ranged Weapon roll -1pt

Visibility: Automatically detected (hoo, yeah) -3pt

Total Cost:  9pt

*The Essence cost of zero adds 6 per level to the cost, and the universal reaction modifier of -3 per level takes it right back.

Yup, Sparky only thought that he had cleaned out Vapula’s stash of vintage anime tapes. Incidentally, the VCR of the Prince of Technology is a subtle and frightening artifact, indeed — but that’s an artifact for another time.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Wave Motion Gun.

In Nomine Revisited: The Lepid Gun.

Lepid Gun

Power 4 Acc +2 Range 40 Shots 12

It’s odd to say this about any item of Vaputech, but the Lepid Gun is honestly a work both of art and of craftsmanship — even if it was made by the Baroque Weapons Division (motto: “For all your Evil Mastermind needs”).  The craftsmanship is obvious: there are none of the usual Vapulan shoddiness, haste, or poor design flaws enshrined in the gun. It looks exactly like what it is: a properly machined over-and-under pump action shotgun with no corners cut, and all the sensible bells and whistles.  The artistry is self-evident, too, showing up mostly in the carefully selected materials that it’s constructed from — and the way that someone with a real aesthetic sense carefully chose how those materials were put together to please both the eye and the hand.  In short, the Lepid Gun is functional, reliable, and really, really pretty.

It’s a shame that it can only fire dead bugs.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Lepid Gun.

In Nomine Revisited: “N.J.” Saint of War

So, this is one of those situations where, before I can show you something, I have to show you all the things that you need to understand the underlying joke. Which is, yes, a little weird. Then again, it’s me.


Saint of Michael

Corporeal Forces: 3 Strength: 7 Agility: 5

Ethereal Forces: 4 Intelligence: 7 Precision: 9

Celestial Forces: 3 Will: 6 Perception: 6

Skills: Chemistry/3, Emote/3, Fast Talk/1, Fighting/3, Knowledge (Movie Industry/3, Physics/3), Large Weapon/3 (baseball bat), Lying/1, Move Silently/1, Ranged Weapon/3 (Shotgun), Savoir-Faire/4

Songs: Charm (Celestial/3), Form (Corporeal/2), Healing (Corporeal/2), Light (Celestial/2), Shields (All/2), Thunder/2, Tongues (Ethereal/3)

Attunements: Blessed, Generator, Proficiency (Shotgun)

Artifacts: A shotgun/4 artifact with the Instantly Summonable Feature

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In Nomine Revisited: Bruce, Mercurian Angel of Dumpster Diving.

OK, quick explanation on this one: in In Nomine canon, Eli (the Archangel of Creation) just decided to get up one day and leave Heaven to wander around the universe for a while. While there was the War going on. This perturbed Dominic (or Dominique) (the Archangel of Judgement) just a little bit, because there was the War going on. Since then, all Servitors of Creation work for another Archangel (In Service To, or IST). Thus… Bruce.


Mercurian of Creation IST Judgement

Angel of Dumpster Diving

Corporeal Forces: 3 Strength: 6 Agility: 6

Ethereal Forces: 5 Intelligence: 12 Precision: 8

Celestial Forces: 5 Will: 10 Perception: 10

Word-Forces: 3

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Bruce, Mercurian Angel of Dumpster Diving.