IOCANE* Powder
*Invasive Operations (Clinical, Advanced Nano-Engineering)
(TL 11)
It typically comes in powder form; why, yes, it can be fairly said that IOCANE powder is odorless, tasteless, dissolves instantly in liquid, and can certainly be programmed to be among one of the more deadly poisons known to Man. It can be programmed to do a lot of things, in fact. That’s sort of the point. Each dose of IOCANE Powder is programmed to duplicate the effects of any drug or poison known at TL9 or below. Changing the ‘load’ on a dose of IOCANE Powder requires a Complexity 6 computer (this would be a high-end supercomputer at TL9, and a cufflink-sized computer at TL11) and the right program. $150 per dose, LC 4: it’s supposed to be regulated, but getting a permit for use on primitive planets is dead easy.