DC wants to do a Joker origin story.

…Umm, OK?

Warner Bros and DC are in the early stages of another Batman Universe spinoff movie, this one telling the origin story of the signature villain The Joker. The studio has set The Hangover‘s Todd Phillips to co-write a script with 8 Mile scribe Scott Silver. Phillips will direct the movie, and Martin Scorsese will produce it with Phillips. This will be the first film under a new banner that has yet to be named in which WB can expand the canon of DC properties and create unique storylines with different actors playing the iconic characters.

Continue reading DC wants to do a Joker origin story.

Obama Joker artist a Palestinian-American Kuchinich supporter.

Although he likes Republican ideals on domestic issues. Also note: he didn’t add the ‘socialism’ bit; that was whoever-it-was that sent the thing viral. Also: dislikes Obama, cool with socialism, and thinks that the original ‘Hope’ artist is two-faced.

Stories like this are why I love this country. We are simply too big and too majestic to be fettered by any requirement of a narrative that makes coherent sense.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.