#rsrh No, conservatives probably shouldn’t go on Joy Behar’s new Current TV show.

Via Hot Air Headlines comes this encouragement by Joy Behar for conservatives to… hold up, this bit of self-description by Behar is too precious to pass by without special notice:

I am an informed American citizen, that’s my position. I read the New York Times, I read the Nation, I read Newsweek, I read Time Magazine, I read Politico, I read Mediaite. This is what I do!


For the record, I do not blame Mediate for being included in that particular rogues’ gallery: they were, after all, conducting the interview.  There was probably no way to avoid it. Continue reading #rsrh No, conservatives probably shouldn’t go on Joy Behar’s new Current TV show.

:raised eyebrow: Since when is raising a kid not ‘work?’

Ah, right: Joy Behar. Like it’s my fault that I married a roboticist.  Ach, well, what people do for ratings.

(Via Instapundit)

Moe Lane

PS: It’s Paul Rodriquez who was the comedian trying to get them to turn the damn taps back on in California, not George Lopez.  I mention this so that various people in comments sections stop thinking daggers at the former; yes, yes, I’m a mad optimist.