I’ll add an additional reason to Ken Hite‘s observation of why you (apparently incorrectly) decided to give Push a pass:
You may remember Push as the movie whose preview made you go: “I saw that movie already, and it was called Jumper, and it sprang for Samuel L. Jackson instead of Djimon Hounsou, and it still sucked.” Well, this is what we in the rhetoric business call “poisoning the well.”
…the official website is obnoxious as all get-out. I had to go find a copy of the trailer on YouTube.
…It didn’t look that bad, actually. Ken says that it’s nifty, and there’s definitely something to be said for psionic shenanigans in Hong Kong, particularly if they involve a techno beat and a lot of gun fu. Guess Feng Shui‘s going to have to write a new gaming supplement…