This Hill story’s getting hit by Drudge…

Remember this event, the next time a Democrat holds out his hand to you.

[Update: Video added, and the Hill’s Blog Briefing Room is back up, so I’m cutting back the article.]

…and, given the general meltdown of the Internet, it’s currently down. Via comments here:

January 20, 2009
Bush Mocked As He Arrives on Inauguration Dais
@ 11:52 am by Hill Staff

Continue reading This Hill story’s getting hit by Drudge…

Lack of Class Watch.

Well, that didn’t take long:

Kicking a man once he’s safely out of power and can’t kick back doesn’t diminish him; it merely diminishes you. But, hey: message received, Mr. President.

Message received.

Moe Lane

PS: “I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.”

Eh. Just words, apparently.