There were a lot of Just Plain Wrong versions of this that I could have shown you, believe you me.
There were a lot of Just Plain Wrong versions of this that I could have shown you, believe you me.
Since I’ve Been Loving You, Led Zeppelin
This is one of the songs that can almost make me miss cigarettes.
I just got sent this. I… think it’s real. Michael Winslow is That Guy from Police Academy, after all.
And if it is: you know, I just may have wasted my life by not learning how to do that.
Hey Hey What Can I Do, Led Zeppelin
This used to be the hardest non-live Led Zep song to find; now it’s flipping ubiquitous. YouTube really shook things up, huh?
Black Country Woman, Led Zeppelin
As I heard it, the drums come in late because Bonham was in the bathroom, or something. Worked out.
This was on the radio as I went to the supermarket this morning.
These days, they cut out the middle and the end.
As your attorney, I advise that you crank that puppy up.
Since I’ve Been Loving You, Led Zeppelin
Really, these guys were at their best when they were as close to blues as they could get.