…well, older: so I guess it’s time to bite the bullet and pick up the Led Zeppelin.
What? All of the Led Zeppelin. I require all of the Led Zeppelin.
…well, older: so I guess it’s time to bite the bullet and pick up the Led Zeppelin.
What? All of the Led Zeppelin. I require all of the Led Zeppelin.
Whole Lotta Love, Led Zeppelin
Pro-Tip, folks: when you pick a hard-rocking song on the iPod to make you feel a little less like an oldster surrounded by… not-oldsters… anyway, try not to pick a band whose surviving members are all old enough for Social Security benefits.
There were a lot of Just Plain Wrong versions of this that I could have shown you, believe you me.
Since I’ve Been Loving You, Led Zeppelin
This is one of the songs that can almost make me miss cigarettes.
I just got sent this. I… think it’s real. Michael Winslow is That Guy from Police Academy, after all.
And if it is: you know, I just may have wasted my life by not learning how to do that.
Hey Hey What Can I Do, Led Zeppelin
This used to be the hardest non-live Led Zep song to find; now it’s flipping ubiquitous. YouTube really shook things up, huh?
Black Country Woman, Led Zeppelin
As I heard it, the drums come in late because Bonham was in the bathroom, or something. Worked out.
This was on the radio as I went to the supermarket this morning.
These days, they cut out the middle and the end.
As your attorney, I advise that you crank that puppy up.