So, the binge-watching of Luke Cage has abruptly stopped…

…because the kids are home.  But it’s very good!  I’m halfway through Episode 4 at this point, and so far Luke Cage has been highly enjoyable.  You’ll probably want to watch at least the first two episodes back-to-back to get the full effect of the setup, but it’ll be worth it.

So, yeah, I’m just waiting for the Luke Cage series to drop.

Supposed to be available at midnight: I’ll watch one episode now, then catch the rest of Luke Cage over the weekend*.  I’d do it all tomorrow, but I have actual stuff to do.  Including a couple of deadlines.

Moe Lane

PS: The chili Fritos thing went fine.  I baked mine; my wife just told me to nuke the chili and pour it over the dang Fritos already, because she was hungry.  She ate two bowls, so I’m scoring that as a win despite the utter lack of cooking involved.

*Assuming it doesn’t suck, of course.  But a lot of the reviews assure me that It Does Not Suck.  So we’ll see, eh?

I figure that I’m just gonna binge-watch Luke Cage.

It looks like they’ve thought about the stuff that I want them to be thinking of when they make a show like this. So I’ll definitely be watching the first Luke Cage episode as soon as it comes out. It’s practically required…

I’m particularly fond of the minimalism going on here with the superstrength/invulnerability thing. Dude doesn’t have to throw the two mooks through the window when one smack in the face each will do the job, so he doesn’t. I really, really like the idea of bricks who have their abilities under control.

Via GeekTyrant

Latest Luke Cage clip.

And I believe that the answer to the question posed at the end of the video should properly be Why, no, sir: I believe that I do not.

I’d also like to note that Mike Colter’s ability to restrain his flinch reflex is impressive. It really helps to sell the characterization to me.

Wait, just how many superheroes are going to be in Infinity War?

Is this number correct?

Perfect. Squirrel Girl is in! Of course that means that the number of characters in Avengers: Infinity War just increased from 67 to 68, and Joe Russo said of his brother Anthony that he’d “die from exhaustion” if one more character was added to the film.

I would imagine so. Look, I’d love to see a Squirrel Girl movie, obviously – I’m fond of the character – but that’s a heck of a lot of capes that are going to be in that film as it is.  Maybe they could let just her show up in the Luke Cage series?  I mean, Squirrel Girl is the nanny for Luke and Jessica Jones’ kid.