…Well. That Mass Effect 3 ending was pretty brutal.

I gather that people were upset by what was a pretty standard metaphysical end to what was, when all was said and done, a traditional space opera.  I am not one of those people; the end that I chose for my Shepard fit her actions and her life, and that’s a fair thing to get from any game.  No complaints.

Regrets, though? Oh, sure, plenty of those.  Starting with at least one NPC death because of something that I did, or more accurately didn’t do.

Moe Lane Continue reading …Well. That Mass Effect 3 ending was pretty brutal.

OK: two, three hours or so into ME3…

…and so far we are having NO SUCKING AT ALL. Also: I understand that the vast majority of people who play ME default to playing a male Shepard, and all joking aside by the 15% of us who don’t there’s nothing wrong with that.

but. I’ve just watched two cutscenes where the emotional undertone would have been drastically different if I was running a male Shepard.  And, honestly, the female voice actor’s a bit better than the male one when it comes to undertones.

Just saying.

Wow. I’m running out of Skyrim.

Just in time for Mass Effect 3, too. Which works out – but wasn’t there supposed to be DLC for Skyrim by now? I mean, it’s been out for a few months, and from what I can tell I wasn’t the only one who got mind-controlled by the game there for a while.

Also… poor Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.  I bought the game on the strength of the demo, and there it sits.  Patiently.  Possibly too patiently.  It may be plotting…

A bit of a relief about ME3, really.

Tycho knows a guy – yeah, that kind of freaks him out, too; that he’s now a guy who knows a guy – who let him know that using the multiplayer feature in Mass Effect 3 is going to be critical for getting an optimal outcome… unless you’re the kind of player who does all the side missions.


Well hell, kids, you go have yourselves a good time with your multiplayer missions, then.  Don’t mind me at all, at all.  I’m good.

Actually, I want Garrus to get me a sno-cone.

That would be like the best thing ever: because if anybody could deliver a sno-cone at hyper-velocity speeds, it’d be Garrus.  You know, I didn’t use Garrus enough in Mass Effect 2.  Not sure why, except that maybe the first time through I hadn’t played Mass Effect yet, and was thus not really yet understanding just how cool the character was (a problem similar to the one that I had with Tali, obviously).  I will have to fix that, obviously.

ME3 demo out next month!  CANNOT. WAIT.

Moe Lane

PS: One thing, though… ‘Sir?’  Haven’t we been over this, already?  Since when was Commander Shepard a guy?