Description: it’s synthetic, yet edible meat! It’s shelf-stable and doesn’t go stale! It doesn’t taste like chicken, it tastes like beef! There’s no slime! There’s no glow! There’s no smell! And it never, ever moves on its own! Try Mheet™ today!
Believe it or not, all of the above is true. And didn’t it take the longest time to make all of the above true, too. Basically, Mheet™ originally is what’s left over whenever someone desummons Ye Liveliest Awfulness or the Bite Lords of the Murder-Pit or what have you; even when successful, desummoning tends to leave huge chunks of sort-of organic matter all over the place. And it all has to be cleaned up. Only: somehow, somebody managed to notice the admittedly interesting culinary possibilities, so now here we all are.