:Raised eyebrow: According to his staff it’s not an endorsement and not an announcement. And if it’s a lecture about civility in this campaign, well, that ship has sailed. Which may not stop Mitt Romney anyway, given that the man must be absolutely appalled at the way that Donald Trump has more or less single-handedly coarsened the national debate. God knows that I am.
Still, maybe it’ll be about something else. Heck, maybe he’ll just troll Donald Trump for two hours. I’d be happy to watch that: “So, let me tell you something. Me and the boys at Bain – you know, the people who made the real money in NYC – we all noticed Don’s hands. You didn’t want to look at them, but you did. I always felt bad about that. I mean -” holding up hands ” – I was blessed with long, shapely hands. I, mean, just look at these hands. Good Mormon hands. My family’s had these hands for over a hundred years. Great-Granddad Miles first got these hands when he went down to Mexico with his wives – oh, yeah, Great-Granddad had almost as many wives as Donnie did, only, you know, not one at a time – so I always felt bad for Donnie when he shook my hand. It didn’t seem fair to grind a man’s face into the dirt over his hands.”
“I’ll say this for Don-a-rino, though: he works those hands. Special cuticle strengtheners, stretching exercises, the whole thing. He’s never given up on trying to get those hands of his up to average, and do you know something? Bless him for it. God bless him for it. That’s an inspiration for the rest of us.”
…or something like that.