My new novel MORGAN BAROD will have a September release!

I’m self-publishing, so I am comfortable saying that. September 1st, with any luck: the editing is on-schedule and the book cover art is done (and below). I’m going to be working up a rough estimate of page count this week so that I can get that information to the book cover designer, and while MORGAN BAROD is not yet available for pre-order I encourage everybody to buy my books.

So there you have it! The new novel is indeed coming. Tentative price will be $4.99 in Kindle, $12.99 in paperback. I say tentative because I have to let KDP finish crunching those numbers first.

First chapter of MORGAN BAROD’s back from the editor!

I look at the notes at random, and see something helpfully pointed out that I should have blessed well considered the first go-round. Plus the usual list of darlings to kill, most of which I thought I had gotten already. This is why you need an editor, folks. If you are going to self-publish, you can do a lot of stuff yourself; but you can’t do without an editor and you can’t do without a book cover designer. Sorry.

MORGAN BAROD is off to the editor!

Huzzah! Many thanks to my long-suffering wife and alpha reader, and the considerably less suffering beta readers, for their opinions and reactions. I dunno how long the book’s gonna be in edits, but hopefully we can hit a summer release date. The cover is likewise being worked on right now, and is getting pretty close to done.

In other news: Galactic Con is still a thing, although I’m still trying to figure out how to factor in bathroom breaks. TINSEL RAIN I start working on tomorrow, and I’m not entirely looking forward to it, honestly. There’s a lot of stitching that has to happen. And I would like to do a bunch of writing this summer, now that school’s winding down. But note the italics.

But enough of that. The book is at the editor’s! That means it’s not my problem until corrections start coming back! Huzzah!

The second shot is *hammering* me today.

It really is a lot worse when you get the second shot. Fatigue, my arm hurts, and I think I may be running an actual fever?

On the other hand, I woke up this morning saying Wait! Morgan Barod needs to kill a monster made of slime and human vertebrae! Which is correct: he did, and it fixed a chapter nicely, I think. So yay, vaccine-induced fevers.