Movie of the Week: Kung Fu Panda.

Kung Fu Panda could have been horrible.  In fact, it could have been fairly expected to be horrible.  However, the directors decided that since they in fact liked kung fu movies, they should play it straight and make an actual kung fu movie… with pandas in it.  So they made one.   And It Did Not Suck.

Neither did Buffy The Vampire Slayer – Collector’s Set – yes, I’m aware that there’s a bad pun there – but it’s time for it to go now.

‘Movie’ of the week: Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

As in, Buffy The Vampire Slayer – Collector’s Set (40 discs). Yup, the whole blessed thing. Grab a few cases of iron rations, plenty of beer, and catch up on what my wife only half-jokingly called ‘the other woman.’

What? Hey. Art is supposed to cost.

What, again? No, of course Animal House‘s not over. Nothing is over until we say it is!

Movie of the Week: Escape from New York.

The sequel was awful – except for the bit with Bruce Campbell in it – but Escape from New York was pretty good, as long as you understood going in that your disbelief would not so much be suspended as it would be expelled, then shipped off to military school. One of John Carpenter’s better ones… and it’s always frustrating, because you never know with that director whether or not he’s going to be pretty darn good, or just plain bad. Just saying, that’s all.

And so we shine the sun on Daybreakers. But for not long enough.