NaNoWriMo, Day 30: 2159/44006.

It is not done.  But it is almost done.  There are in fact about six thousand words left in the story, because we have gotten to the point where the nature of the final strike will be revealed to our heroes, and they will go out to thwart it.  Plus an epilogue.  In other words, the goram thing will be done by Sunday and I am not feeling bad about it in the slightest. 44K and almost done for a first try is respectable. Besides, it’s not like I get any prize money if I got to 50K.

So there it is. I finish the book, resolutely not look at it for a couple of days — I said a month, but that’s ridiculous.  The point is to get this puppy into publication shape, so that’s what’s going to happen — and then we go on with the process. And have things get a little more back to normal around here.

NaNoWriMo, Day 29: 1084/41487.

It’d be longer today, except that I am trying to decide whether to kidnap our heroes and take them to the final showdown.  Yes, that’s normally a no-brainer, except that it doesn’t quite work in the story as written so far.  Trying to decide how to go with that requires sleeping on it, I think*.

41K. I can see the end from here!  …Thank God.

Moe Lane

*Also, I have Patreon obligations, and I had to finally finish one of them up today.  I’ve written something like 3K words in total today, which ain’t bad.

NaNoWriMo, Day 28: 1691/40763.

Yeah, I’m definitely getting sick of the sight of this book. It’s very exciting! Soon I will dread it.  All of this is apparently par for the course when it comes to the publishing process, which is why I’m so pleased about my adverse emotional reaction.

Close to 41K. Oof.

NaNoWriMo, Day 27: 1706/39072.

We are getting towards the end, and I’m actually starting to feel that ‘sick of writing this book’ sensation that supposedly writers feel. I’m certainly ready to actually work on something else at this point; there are a couple of short stories that have occurred to me, one involving a pun-filled title. So love that news or dread it, as you please.

39K. Groovy.

NaNoWriMo, Day 22: 1688/32248.

Did a bunch of additions to previous chapters, started a new one, mucked about with the plot a touch. With any luck, I’ll be able to really hammer at this book this week while I’m at my father-in-law’s. Assuming that the wi-fi holds out, of course.  Guess we’ll see!

32K words. I can kind of see the ending from here. Although the book itself may end up being more than 50K words. Probably will, honestly. But that’s a worry for later.

NaNoWriMo, Day 21: 1679/30560.

A little tricky to calculate this one, because I added to two different chapters instead of starting a new one. But I think that I added up everything right. I wonder if I’m going to get more, or less, done over Thanksgiving break?

30.5K words. [expletive deleted], I’m writing a book. I’m actually writing a [expletive deleted]ing book. Sorry, but for some reason that hadn’t sunk in for me until I was on my way back from picking up dinner for my wife.