The FUBAR Netflix trailer.

FUBAR is more endearing than I expected. Yeah, yeah, maybe ‘endearing’ isn’t the absolute best word, here. Still, Arnie playing a cranky old dad Terminator is kind of funny. Especially if he spends the entire series driving his Action Girl daughter nuts. Busting the chops of your kids is an underrated pleasure.

So, Netflix canceled 1899 after one season.

Like Netflix do. I’m not gonna lie, though: I’m not entirely upset about it. I enjoyed the first one, because 1899 was a legitimately creepy and weird little alternate-perception show (that you really should watch with subtitles*). It had its reveal, the reveal was cool, the second season had an excellent chance of being a disappointment. From an artistic point of view, better to end it at a dramatic moment.

Of course, I wasn’t counting on a paycheck from the show. I suspect that the actors and production crew might have a different opinion about how things went down.

Moe Lane

*I missed at first that there were two versions: one where everybody spoke English, and one where everybody spoke their own languages and nobody was a polyglot. I had to backtrack and rewatch the subtitled version from the start, because it completely changed the tone and flow of conversations.

The DAY SHIFT Netflix trailer.

Not gonna lie: Day Shift looks like fun.

“Working-class professional vampire hunters” always fits my aesthetic, and Jamie Foxx has the right look for it. I also figure that there’s going to be action scenes in it. Like, a lot of action scenes. Lastly: according to the trailer, Snoop Dogg is going to show up with a minigun. …I understand that there are people out there who would not want to watch that, and that’s their privilege, but I like my way of life better.