Tweet of the Day, Ken Hite Twists The Creative Commons Stake A Little edition.

Not very much, to be sure. But this is legit funny.

Not least because the old TSR hated it when people played with their IP. So does WotC, but as Tom here implicitly notes, they now have fewer options for dealing with it. Alas. Alack.

In the Mail: The Night’s Black Agents Director’s Screen / Resource Guide.

All hail birthday money!

I picked up a couple of other things, too, but the Night’s Black Agents Director’s Screen / Resource Guide showed up first. I’m thinking of running NBA at a con, one of these days: I have to skip WashingCon this year, but there will be others. I want to run an actual Carnival of gore and betrayal, with literal bridges burned, so I guess it’ll be in… Venice? I could make that work, I think.