Tweet of the Day, Ken Hite Twists The Creative Commons Stake A Little edition.

Not very much, to be sure. But this is legit funny.

Not least because the old TSR hated it when people played with their IP. So does WotC, but as Tom here implicitly notes, they now have fewer options for dealing with it. Alas. Alack.

In the Mail: The Night’s Black Agents Director’s Screen / Resource Guide.

All hail birthday money!

I picked up a couple of other things, too, but the Night’s Black Agents Director’s Screen / Resource Guide showed up first. I’m thinking of running NBA at a con, one of these days: I have to skip WashingCon this year, but there will be others. I want to run an actual Carnival of gore and betrayal, with literal bridges burned, so I guess it’ll be in… Venice? I could make that work, I think.

If you did THE DRACULA DOSSIER Kickstarter, check your email.

Pelgrane Press is putting out a supplement called “The Dracula Dossier: Cuttings and New Additions,” and they’re giving out digital copies to Kickstarter backers. THE DRACULA DOSSIER is a truly excellent RPG supplement for the vampiric-spy Night’s Black Agents RPG, by the way. Well worth picking up, as is its primary supplement DRACULA UNREDACTED. This is all a Ken Hite joint anyway, so I dunno why you haven’t bought it already, frankly.

Pelgrane looking for playtesters for Night’s Black Agents’ The Persephone Extraction.

I can’t do it, obviously: I’m already doing playtests for Fall of Delta Green this month, and the deadline for The Persephone Extraction is March 31st.  But if some of you folks have GMs who can fit it into their schedules… it’s pretty cool to playtest. Lets you give something back in the community.

Item Seed: Winston Churchill’s Walking Cane.



Winston Churchill’s Walking Cane


This is the walking cane that Winston Churchill carried throughout World War II. As you might imagine, it can have a certain resonance, in the right hands. And if it ever ends up in the wrong ones, well, the pyrotechnics could be entertaining.  Also, messy.

Continue reading Item Seed: Winston Churchill’s Walking Cane.

Item Seed: The Divje Babe Flute [Night’s Black Agents].

So I checked with Pelgrane Press, and they’re cool with noncommercial fan material for Night’s Black Agents that doesn’t violate copyright.  Which is what I figured, but it never hurts to check, right? Especially when you may not know what, if anything, may be going on with ’em elsewhere. Anyhow:


The Divje Babe Flute [Night’s Black Agents]

The original form of this supposedly forty-three thousand year old flute was found in a Slovenian cave in 1995; and it was allowed to stay in the hands of mundane researchers for about a decade or so. It might still be in researchers’ hands if a forensic analyst with Poland’s Internal Security Agency had not correlated the positioning of the holes on the flute with a particular half-burned manuscript dating from the 8th Century AD.  Said manuscript told the tale of a powerful pijavica that had been warded off by the playing of ‘the Flute of Nebuchadnezzar:’ and the one drawing that survived more or less matched what pictures were available of the Divje Babe Flute. So the Flute was thus duly stolen, and surreptitiously replaced with a duplicate.  From there it was merely a matter of waiting until 3D reconstruction and printing was up to the task of ‘repairing’ the item.

Continue reading Item Seed: The Divje Babe Flute [Night’s Black Agents].