Movie of the Week: Dark City.

Dark City is… interesting. Sort of horror, sort of noir, sort of science fiction; definitely worth watching, if you like movies where ‘messing with your mind’ isn’t even remotely metaphorical.  Interestingly, I think that I’ve only seen the theatrical release; the director’s cut is supposed to be better.  Then again, Director’s Cuts are always supposed to be better, even when they’re really not.

And so, adieu to Pitch Black. Continue reading Movie of the Week: Dark City.

Movie of the Week: Pitch Black.

The sequel was, perhaps a bit much if you weren’t a fan of Warhammer 30K: but Pitch Black itself was a pretty hardcore and viciously-efficient entry in the horror/SF genre. Vin Diesel did a good job there. It’s worth revisiting… with the lights on, of course.

Sorry. Just my little joke.

And so, adieu to Kingsman: The Secret Service. …FREEBIRD! Sorry, more of the japery. Continue reading Movie of the Week: Pitch Black.