TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION, Vol 2: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS has a Kindle publication date! It is available for pre-order!

Kickstarter backers will get their digital copies of TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION, Vol 2: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS as soon as we’re finished with the typo pass-through, which hopefully will not be very much longer (there’s also some formatting that needs to be done). It won’t be today or tomorrow, but I think by the end of next week should be a generous deadline. The book will be available for wider sale on Kindle on September 1st, 2024. Use this link to let people know about the upcoming Kindle release!

Continue reading TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION, Vol 2: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS has a Kindle publication date! It is available for pre-order!

Processed three chapters’ worth of TINSEL RAIN edits in a row.

My brain hurts, but at least now I have a system in place to efficiently handle fixing up TINSEL RAIN. So far, the editor isn’t making me do anything too horrible. I am actually a bit of a pushover when it comes to my deathless prose: I take the position that if I’m paying somebody large sums of money to go over my work, surely that means that I should at least take their suggestions seriously. As long as the words reflect what I was trying to say, naturally.

As always, check out the TINSEL RAIN pre-order store if you missed the Kickstarter!