Dammit, I thought they were making a new Quatermass flick.

For some reason, I always mix up FIVE MILLION YEARS TO EARTH with THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH. It’s the latter that’s getting made (it’ll be a Showtime series), and I’m not upset that they’re doing that. I just want, you know, a new Quatermass movie. We’re overdue for one, to put it mildly.


Book of the week: ‘Quatermass and the Pit: Five Million Years to Earth.’

Mind you, I have not actually read Quatermass and the Pit: Five Million Years to Earth (BFI Film Classics) yet, solely because it’s not out yet (it’s on the Wish List). But Kim Newman is always a safe bet, particularly when it comes to writing on movies. Besides, some day I hope to have publishers send me these things preemptively in the hope of scoring reviews.

And so, adieu to This Kind of War: The Classic Military History of the Korean War.

Moe Lane

PS: The spelling is actually correct, at least from the British point of view.

Continue reading Book of the week: ‘Quatermass and the Pit: Five Million Years to Earth.’