I’ll be honest: if it was just a matter of the aforementioned video, I’d have been tempted to give the computer monitor the finger and keep on moving. But I’ve had enough people whose opinion matters to me say that the Red Markets zombie apocalypse-meets-the-free-market RPG is worth a look anyway to make me… not so much forgive the game, as to not hold that video against it. Helps that the folks who wrote the actual game (Caleb Stokes and Ross Payton) have good, solid reps in the business, too. That helps. A lot.
I would possibly suggest that they do a new pitch video, though. I mean, the Kickstarter has already funded, so maybe they won’t care – but I don’t imagine that I’m the only person in the universe who got their back up at the way this game was presented. It’s not like I can just fling cash around with nary a care any more. These days, I need to call my shots when it comes to discretionary spending.