First pass-through on REVISIONARY Chapbook done.

Second one to be done tomorrow. Then I can start prepping REVISIONARY (Cthulhu Mythos horror-style fiction, 4 stories, 4 illustrations, 32K words) for Kindle Unlimited. Got the artwork, got the text, just need to assemble the book itself and I can do that this weekend. Should be able to have it ready, well in time for Christmas. Huzzah!

…Then I can work on everything else. Huzzah?

Moe Lane

PS: Well, at least I actually am working on things and getting them out. So we’ll still authorize the use of a ‘Huzzah.’

Got the artwork back for REVISIONARY.

Got it, paid for it, now I have no excuse to get going and start the proofreading process on the stories. It’s one of those things that’s a royal pain in the ass, but I can’t afford paying anybody for a project this small. On the bright side: hopefully the editing will be relatively lighter when I combine REVISIONARY and ANAGNORISIS and another four illustrated stories into an actual full collection.

At any rate, here’s a little art! Ben Fleuter’s the artist: I’ve worked with him before, and he has a good horror aesthetic. I’m interested to see how this looks on a cover.

Continue reading Got the artwork back for REVISIONARY.

Got an artist for REVISIONARY!

Ben Fleuter‘s back on his feet enough to do some commissions, and I’m happy to shunt some paying work his way. I expect that eventually I’ll be collecting ANAGNORISIS, REVISIONARY, and another four stories-with-illustrations into one big book of short stories; I just haven’t decided whether to make a third chapbook first or not. Either way, look for REVISIONARY before the end of the year. Hopefully.

10/1120 Update, REVISIONARY: 32900/32000

It’s almost ready to go to beta readers! I have to process “Impurities,” since it wasn’t actually in my novel-writing software, but that’s a two-hour job, max. If anybody wants to take a gander at it, let me know: I’m hoping for a quick turnaround on this one, so that I can have it ready to go as an add-on for the Kickstarter.

Continue reading 10/1120 Update, REVISIONARY: 32900/32000