The Rice Mineralogical Survey of 1948 [The Day After Ragnarok]

Rice Mineralogical Survey of 1948 – Google Docs

Rice Mineralogical Survey of 1948

[The Day After Ragnarok]


The Rice Mineralogical Survey of 1948 has every resource that Vancouver can throw at it, which admittedly isn’t much; but what’s left of the Canadian government takes the Survey very seriously.  It’s easy enough to issue a decree to get the Albertan oil fields running again; but to do that, the drillers will need (among many other things) metals of all sorts. Steel, copper, titanium, nickel, chromium — and stockpiles are low, after a decade of war and Armageddon.  Worse, global trade isn’t remotely what it used to be. Fortunately, Canada has a wealth of mineral resources; unfortunately, at a minimum known Canadian titanium and nickel deposits are too far away from civilization to exploit properly.

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