Rob Ford has died.


I didn’t precisely like him. But he was kind of fascinating, in his way. Helped that Rob Ford acted up in somebody else’s country. And, of course, I wouldn’t wish cancer on my worst enemy. My prayers and condolences for his family and loved ones.

I may never really forgive Chris Farley for ODing. #robford #hydrant #groin

Don’t do drugs, kids.  If for no other reason than doing drugs might end up denying you the chance to do the role of your life:

Somewhere, out there, there might be a universe where Chris Farley made better life choices. In that universe, he’s enjoying the renaissance of his comedic career right now, and the world is a better place for it.

“Mr. Barry on the white courtesy phone for Mr. Ford. Paging Mr. Ford…”

A rather odd set of Twitter comments that showed up on my timeline today are now making sense:

The Mayor of the Canadian city of Toronto, Rob Ford, has denied allegations that he has been caught on video smoking crack cocaine.

Although… well, that’s an unkind thought.  Unkind to Toronto, at least.

Moe Lane