Russell Crowe to star in exorcist biopic.

That’s me, hedging my bets: “Russell Crowe Set To Star in a Supernatural Horror Thriller THE POPE’S EXORCIST.” Or possibly just managing my expectations. A biopic where there’s never anything overtly, unambiguously supernatural going on could still be pretty dang good, especially if Crowe’s playing the part of the exorcist. Indeed, you could even argue that this is the proper way to portray the life of real-life Vatican exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth.

But who am I kidding? I want clouds of brimstone, hot women impossibly crawling on the ceiling while hissing, and balefire erupting from cracks on the ground while Crowe’s yelling in Latin. I’m not ashamed of being a Philistine. Never have been, really. Besides, when you start with the title THE POPE’S EXORCIST, you’re kind of promising something that can live up to such a rocking title.

Gaelic Storm’s 2008 Music video.

This is old, but good.  Actually, ‘good’ is using the fact that one of your members once allegedly punched out Russell Crowe in a bar as an excuse to promote your  band.  But putting together a contest to have your fans make their own music video of the song?

The Night I Punched Russell Crowe, Gaelic Storm


Wait, didn’t this happen in Gladiator?

From the Big Hollywood review of Robin Hood:

Things open on a promising note.  The date is 1199 and Robin (Crowe) is an archer for King Richard who is pillaging his way through France on his way back to England after the Crusades. Nothing happens you haven’t seen a hundred times before in one of these Medieval romps, but Scott knows how to structure, shoot and edit big action set-pieces like few others so the ole’ castle storm is exciting. 140 minutes later, however, you discover the hard way that this is where it all peaked.

Yes.  That is precisely what happened in Gladiator.  You start out with this:

Then you spend the rest of the movie waiting for it to come back. Hell, Scott even used Russell Crowe again, the lazy SOB.