I got nothing, sorry (Florida Marlins home run display edition).

Except: Florida.


Oh, you lucky so-and-sos: the GIF is too big for me to upload in all of it SAN-destroying glory.  So your fragile human minds are all spared… unless you click the link.

The shiny link.

Click it.


The search parameter records of Amazon.com must be strange and terrible.

Approaching, in fact, the level of SAN loss. First, take a look at Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt – then take a look at what else people who looked at this looked at. Particularly this, and this.

Somebody’s mucking about with their search parameters; I’m sure of it.

Moe Lane

PS: What? Please. I have more couth than that. Besides, everybody knows that it’s not size that matters; it’s rotary speed.