Scrapper [GURPS 4e]

Scrapper – Google Docs

Scrapper 700 pt


Name: Janet Bronson

Attributes [167]: ST 12 [20], DX 13 [60], IQ 13 [60], HT 12 [20], HP 13 [2], Will 13, Per 14 [5], FP 12

Advantages [539]: Appearance (Attractive) [4], Artificer (3) [30], Common Sense [10], Control Non-living Matter (3) (Collective) [240], Damage Resistance (20) (Limited (Non-Living Matter)) [80], High Pain Threshold [10], Higher Purpose (Cleaning up) (1) [5], Mathematical Ability (2) [20], Reputation (Cleaner) (1) (All the time; Almost everyone) [5], Smooth Operator (1) [15], Telekinesis (13) (Area Effect (2 yd); Visible) [85], Telekinetic Talent (4) [20], Very Fit [15]


Control Unliving Matter was bought at the 40 point base level, as it explicitly allows for complex machinery to be manipulated and disassembled and extends the Control power over all non-living materials.  Telekinetic Control gives a +4 to both Telekinesis and Control rolls.  

Perks [2]: Skill Adaptation (Clinch/Boxing) [1], Style Familiarity (Boxing) [1]

Disadvantages [-75]: Bad Sight (Nearsighted) (Glasses) [-10], Charitable (12 or less) [-15], Code of Honor (Gentleman’s) [-10], Curious (12 or less) [-5], Easy to Read [-10], Honesty (12 or less) [-10], Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10], Sense of Duty (Comrades) [-5]

Quirks [-5]: Expression (“Let’s have a scrap!”) [-1], Habit (Breaking down junk) [-1], Imaginative [-1], Likes apples [-1], Trademark (Disassembled weapons) [-1]

Packages [0]: Boxing (Martial Arts) [0], Investigator (Basic Set) [0]

Skills [72]: Acting IQ/A – IQ+1 14 [2]*, Architecture/TL8 IQ/A – IQ-1 12 [1], Armoury/TL8 (Small Arms) IQ/A – IQ+3 16 [2]**, Boxing DX/A – DX+3 16 [12], Boxing Sport DX/A – DX+0 13 [1], Chemistry/TL8 IQ/H – IQ-1 12 [2], Climbing DX/A – DX-1 12 [1], Counterattack (Boxing) Tech/H –  12 [2], Detect Lies Per/H – Per-1 13 [1], Diplomacy IQ/H – IQ+1 14 [4]***, Electronics Repair/TL8 (Security) IQ/A – IQ+2 15 [1]**, Engineer/TL8 (Materials) IQ/H – IQ+3 16 [1]**/****, Fast-Talk IQ/A – IQ+1 14 [2]*, First Aid/TL8 (Human) IQ/E – IQ+0 13 [1], Games (Boxing) IQ/E – IQ+0 13 [1], Hazardous Materials/TL8 (Chemical) IQ/A – IQ-1 12 [1], Hazardous Materials/TL8 (Radioactive) IQ/A – IQ-1 12 [1], Machinist/TL8 IQ/A – IQ+3 16 [2]**, Masonry IQ/E – IQ+3 16 [1]**, Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) IQ/H – IQ+0 13 [1]****, Mechanic/TL8 (Automobile) IQ/A – IQ+3 16 [2]**, Metallurgy/TL8 IQ/H – IQ-1 12 [2], Observation Per/A – Per+1 15 [4], Physics/TL8 IQ/VH – IQ-1 12 [1]****, Research/TL8 IQ/A – IQ+1 14 [4], Running HT/A – HT+0 12 [2], Savoir-Faire (Gym) IQ/A – IQ+0 13 [1]***, Scrounging Per/E – Per+2 16 [4], Search Per/A – Per+1 15 [4], Shadowing IQ/A – IQ-1 12 [1], Streetwise IQ/A – IQ+1 14 [2]***, Targeted Attack (Boxing Punch/Face) Tech/H –  12 [2], Targeted Attack (Boxing Uppercut/Face) Tech/H – 12 [2], Uppercut (Boxing) Tech/A – 16 [1]

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