The rich, after all, don’t rely on Obamacare for their coverage. Everybody else? Yeah, well. About that.
It’s a batting average that won’t land the federal marketplace for Obamacare into the Healthcare Hall of Fame.
As few as 1 in 100 applications on the federal exchange contains enough information to enroll the applicant in a plan, several insurance industry sources told CNBC on Friday. Some of the problems involve how the exchange’s software collects and verifies an applicant’s data.
Low traffic* you can deal with. Bad site architecture you can deal with. Even poor selection you can deal with. But the problem here – which is that a lot of people who think that they have gotten through the process have not, and thus are at high risk of not having insurance in January – is a really, really critical one for the administration. And I don’t know how seriously they’re taking it: if I was running this thing and it was my good name on the line I’d never have let things get this bad in the first place.
But then, I don’t think that I’m a Greek demigod.
Continue reading #Obamacare got 99 problems but the rich ain’t one.