September Showcase: September 16th.

There’s still a Patreon!

And today’s September Showcase is “Tourists.” I have an alien invasion story in my head.  This is from it.  Alas, I don’t have the resources to turn the entire thing into an epic television musical miniseries with an international cast of stars, so there’s that.


Check out the Patreon today!

September Showcase: September 15th.

We got an upped pledge on the Patreon!

Accordingly, today’s September Showcase is a short piece (The Long Lost Friend) I put together tonight for the express purpose of noting just how much I love Manly Wade Wellman’s Silver John stories.  That’s pretty much it.  I liked writing it so much I wanted everybody to read it right now.

But I always won’t do that, so get in on the Patreon today!




September Showcase, September 7th.

One week of hyping the Patreon later, and I’ll say this for it: I’ve been putting up a bunch of stuff for the last year or so.  I should start trying to figure out how to sell more of it.  I know: crazy thinking, yeah?

Today’s September Showcase is something that showed up here, first: “Fragment Of A Recently Unearthed Saga From the Proto-Indo-European Period Narrating the Battle Between A Human Clan And What Was Apparently A Herd Of Malevolent, Psionic Woolly Mammoths Bent On Wiping Humanity Out.” I always liked how that one came out.  If you did, too: hey, tell your friends.

September Showcase: September 6th.

Finally, somebody signed up for my Patreon! This was particularly awkward because I kind of messed up the thermostat; I had it pegged at $130 when it should have been $135.  But I didn’t want to update it, because it would have looked like I was goosing the total. Fortunately, the question is moot.

Today’s September Showcase is Patron-only: a 200 word microfiction called “Ghost Story.”  It was written in honor of me getting a new Patron.  Want to see more of those?  Well, subscribe.  Or, if you’ve already subscribed, then encourage subscription in others.

September Showcase, September 5th.

Humility is, of course, a virtue.  And the situation is precisely why I am trying to highlight my Patreon. Today, we’re looking at something that I didn’t do for Patreon, but I am exceedingly fond of anyway: Most Common Cause of Death That THEY Keep Covering Up.  It proved rather popular, so I am showing it off again.

Sign up today!