Tweet of the Day, I Might Have Bought One edition.

It does sing to me, despite the obvious inaccuracy.

Yellow flames indicate that the jetshark is ill, probably with an intestinal parasite that’s interfering with the methane organs. That’s dangerous for the jetshark, both because it hinders its thrust, and can cause carbon scoring and buildup along the tail. Worse, imagine if only one methane organ is infected? The damn thing will end up careening all over the marshland airspace.

I’d still buy the stamp, though.

Michael Phelps to race, jump shark.

I’m not even disapproving.  After all, the first sentence is probably correct.  And God help Michael Phelps, I guess, for being in this situation:

When you’ve won 23 gold medals there’s really nothing left to do but race a shark.

The Discovery Channel announced Friday that Olympian Michael Phelps will take on the dangerous animal during the network’s very popular, Shark Week.

Continue reading Michael Phelps to race, jump shark.