That might be due to all of the re-installations and whatnot that I have to do, now. I’m particularly annoyed that I lost my savegames for Singularity; I was just starting to get into it. On the bright side, I suspect that it will look even prettier at a higher graphics level.
Tag: singularity
A very nice gesture from Raven Software.
I had mentioned that I was thinking of picking up Singularity – time-traveling 1950s Cold War shoot-em-up? Sounds neat-o – and the folks over at Raven Software sent over a copy.
Having it signed was the neat part; that’s both flattering and appreciated. I’ll let folks know how it plays.
‘The Rapture of the Nerds.’
That’s what Charlie Stross called the Singularity in this interview, and damned if I can’t see his point. Privately, I’ve always thought that a lot of believers in the concept are effectively treating it as Magic For People Who Thought That ‘Psionics’ Was Too Much A Science-Fiction Cop-Out For Magic: but then, I’m a gamer geek. Read the whole thing; it’s pretty interesting.
See also here, here, and here for the Singularity Backlash. Which would be one heck of a band name.