Anti-Semitism isn’t ‘back’ at Harvard: it apparently just never went away.

There’s a problem with this article in the Harvard Crimson (“The Case Against Boycotting SodaStream“): it assumes that there’s a legitimate case for boycotting Sodastream. There, of course, is not. Harvard University Dining Services decided to unilaterally remove Sodastream from its cafeterias simply because the company is run by Jews. Oh, dear, excuse me: “Israelis.” I understand that Alan Dershowitz may have a problem with bringing up this awkward fact, and I even sympathize. But I’m under no obligation to pretend that that fact doesn’t exist.

Especially since Harvard University’s historical animus towards Jews is well known, as is indeed most of the Ivy League’s.  They’ve gotten a pass on it largely because Ivy League alumnae are over-represented in top government and media positions.  If we saw this kind of historical discrimination take place in institutions not beloved of Northeastern elites then we’d never hear the end of the complaining.

Moe Lane

I should probably thank the BDS lunatics.

Their impotent screaming over SodaStream reminded me that I have one.  It’s absolutely great to have seltzer to hand whenever I need it, you know? – Especially since the eldest kid loves the stuff, so I can give it to him instead of actual soda.

So thanks, you anti-Semitic so-and-sos! Despite yourself, the world is just a little bit better because of your actions. Continue reading I should probably thank the BDS lunatics.