The Ohio State marching band’s impressive halftime superhero display.

Saw this just now on Facebook.  It happened back in November, and I assume that it didn’t go viral then because 2016 is gonna 2016.  But here it is now.  ‘It’ being the Ohio State marching band doing ten minutes of superhero-themed patterning (or whatever they call it):

A shame no Deadpool, but then they probably would have had to scrub the red paint off of the field afterward.  Ten minutes, but well worth your time. I wasn’t expecting to watch the whole thing myself, honestly. But I did.

Superhero brawling on the streets of Hollywood!

It’s that kind of day.

Costumed superhero characters were involved in a brawl Wednesday afternoon on the streets of Hollywood.

Witnesses said two Captain Americas and a Spider-Man threw punches at each other in front of the Madame Tussauds kiosk, feet away from the Dolby Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard.

Click through to see the one guy… no, wait, let me just embed it.

I am such a bad man for laughing at this.