The revision is finally in the can! Almost doubled in size, too. I’m going to put it up on Patreon, but this one is being reserved as part of the next book (short stories, set in the same universe as FROZEN DREAMS). Snippet below.
Continue reading 02/22/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.Tag: swamp patrol
02/21/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.
This may be a little too much. I haven’t decided yet.
Continue reading 02/21/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.02/17/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.
Chekhov’s Death Skeeter: you mention one in the beginning of the story, you should probably have one appear at some point in it.
Continue reading 02/17/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.02/13/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.
This one I think doesn’t need much more content, but it does need more revisions.
Continue reading 02/13/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.02/10/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.
I may take off from doing anything with ANSTEORRA RANGERS today. I need to think about how to resolve the conflict. SWAMP PATROL, however, just needs fleshing out. …And maybe some rewrites.
Continue reading 02/10/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.02/09/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.
Sigh. Learn by doing, friends. Learn by doing.
Continue reading 02/09/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.02/08/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.
This one shouldn’t need too much: just a walk-through, more action sequences, and a bigger role for the Slappy Rats. I mean, geez, I should have led with the Slappy Rats.
Like so:
Continue reading 02/08/2020 Snippet, SWAMP PATROL.