The Anti-Saxophone
If there is a single magical device that is more universally hated by magicians, the name of said device has been lost to the forces of entropy. And many magic users would love to do the same to the Anti-Saxophone (usually shortened to Anti-Sax, and invariably with a curse word serving for an adjective). Unfortunately, the Anti-Sax is far too useful to toss away.
Superficially, an Anti-Sax resembles a regular tenor saxophone, and in fact can be used (mediocrely) as one. However, once activated the Anti-Sax acts as a powerful magical booster to anyone within earshot. The wielder can choose to: quadruple all bonuses to cast spells in the area of effect; cut all costs to cast magic to one-quarter of the usual; or double bonuses and cut cost to cast in half. Continue reading Item Seed: The Anti-Saxophone.