SCA events always reminds me of the stuff I listened to when I started out.
Fiddler’s Green, The Dubliners
SCA events always reminds me of the stuff I listened to when I started out.
Fiddler’s Green, The Dubliners
Should be a touch faster.
Got a babysitter so that the wife and I could go to an evening SCA event! Woo-hoo!
Black Velvet Band, The Dubliners
I’ve heard twenty-five different versions of this song, and most of them seemed determined to win the Screw up the protagonist the most contest.
I’m biased, but I think that Mike’s band (The Stone Soup Band) does a better job. That’s off of Free Night in Dublin
, which I’ve been listening to for years, and… hey! New album!
That’s going up on the Wish List.
Moe Lane
PS: Seriously, if you have any kind of musical ability, an interest in actual traditional/folk music, and decent recording facilities, put some songs up on YouTube. It’s begging for the attention.