The Notably Unsubtle THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE DEMETER clip.

So THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE DEMETER is definitely a slasher flick.

In the book, Stoker had Dracula act considerably more subtly, to the point where I had an eyebrow raised at how easy it is to see the vampire in this one. Then I asked myself: did I really want to watch a two-hour flick where people disappear over the side, and we never see any of them die? More importantly: does my kid? Moods that work in books don’t always work in movies.

‘The Last Voyage of the Demeter’ looks like it might work.

I am… cautiously interested.

Universal/DreamWorks’ The Last Voyage of the Demeter is heading from Jan. 27, 2023 to Aug. 11, 2023.

Pic is based on a single chilling chapter from Bram Stoker’s classic novel DraculaThe Last Voyage of the Demeter, which tells the terrifying story of the merchant ship Demeter, which was chartered to carry private cargo—fifty unmarked wooden crates—from Carpathia to London.

I’m not always down with adaptations of a part of a larger work, but THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE DEMETER is based off a legitimately self-contained part of DRACULA. I figure they can get a decent movie out of a vampire stalking the crew of a ship. They’d need to add a lot of secondary detail, but the basic idea is a solid horror plot.

So maybe it won’t suck. OTOH: this movie is taking forever



Not gonna lie, here: THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE DEMETER has a vibe that I like. “The story centers around the ship that transported Dracula from Transylvania to London in Bram Stoker’s classic tale. In that novel, the Demeter washes up on the shores of England, tattered and broken, with one raving mad survivor. Schut’s script places the voyage center stage in a tale that is said to be reminiscent of the first Alien movie, in which a crew is slaughtered one-by-one by a mysterious passenger.”

Continue reading THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE DEMETER sounds intriguing.