Item Seed: The Nano-INjected Jump Apparatus (NINJA) Suit.

The Nano-INjected Jump Apparatus (NINJA) Suit.

Before you ask, NINJA suits are not given out as rewards: they’re given out as sentences. Once you have one put on you, the metaphorical stopwatch is typically ticking on your remaining lifespan. Or sometimes not so metaphorical: there’s usually an integral explosive somewhere on the suit.  Just to be on the safe side.

What the NINJA suit does is allow the user to operate at 15/10ths of human capacity, right up to the point where their bones break, their muscles shred off of the bone, and very possibly their heart explodes. It does this through the aforementioned nanomachines, which take an extremely brute-force approach to realizing human potential: to wit, shutting down the pain centers of the brain and pumping in aggression poisons and mood controllers by the quart.  The suit itself holds in the increasingly battered body until the body cannot function; once the sensors no longer detect a heartbeat or brain activity, the suit activates the equivalent of a full-body thermite burn.  This would make removing a NINJA suit difficult, except that it’s already largely considered to be virtually impossible. Nobody’s worn one for more than an hour and survived, and the one person who did had gotten a broken suit in the first place. Continue reading Item Seed: The Nano-INjected Jump Apparatus (NINJA) Suit.