Tag: The Police
‘Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic.’
…What the hell is this?
‘Don’t Stand So Close To Me.’
Must have deleted three posts today unfinished.
‘Don’t Stand So Close To Me.’
‘King Of Pain.’
Yeah, I know: it’s a bit late.
“De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da.”
De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da, The Police
Stuck in my head all day.
“Don’t Stand So Close To Me.”
Don’t Stand So Close To Me, The Police
…These days, of course, Sting looks absurdly young to me in that video. Then again, these days I hear ‘this girl is half his age’ and it comes out as ‘this girl can drink legally in bars!’
Not quite the same impact.
‘Don’t Stand So Close To Me.’
Don’t Stand So Close To Me, The Police
Actually, it’s more depressing than you think. Not only is this song legal, it’s old enough to have a kid.