So The Secret World has figured out how to drag me back…

…prior to a new world to run around in: sheer egotism. They’ve created a museum dedicated to my character! …And everybody else’s, but this one is mine! Now all I have to do is fill it with images of my adventures and achievements. Which will require a variety of items that I will have to go and find, and it’s gonna take forever, and already the cooperative, mutual-assistance leagues have sprung up among the cabals and cross-cabal groups to make sure that everybody gets what they need. The Secret World seems to select for that kind of player. And it’s the main reason why I keep coming back to this MMO, honestly.

Shorter Moe Lane: my brain might be eaten over the next couple of days. Sorry about that.

New Witcher, Dragon Age Inquisition DLC.

Neither being the big ones, but Game Plus and The Descent might prove of interest. To be honest, I’m not in a rush to get either. Issue 12 of The Secret World is about to drop and I’m getting along in Elder Scrolls Online*: and when those are done I’ve got a bit of a backlog. I can always revisit The Witcher: Wild Hunt and Dragon Age Inquisition later.  There’s really not much of a rush, honestly.

Moe Lane

*It’s fun, once you actually get to play it (after downloading the double-digit gigabytes’ worth of patches).

Economics majors, take note: The Secret World MMORPG is going through a currency revamp.

It’s very exciting, really: they’re going to convert ten currencies down into two (Black Bullion and PAX), then introduce a third one (Mark of the Pantheon). Additionally, there’s going to be a forced cap on Black Bullion holdings; excess BB will be converted into PAX at a ruinous rate. It’s all incredibly statist, and I can’t wait to log on and see how all of this is causing the secondary item markets to go into a full-fledged meltdown. It’s going to be a seller’s market…

Moe Lane

PS: If anybody ever wants to try The Secret World, let me know. I can pass along a 72 hour try-it-out that gets me bonus points for people who buy the game afterward. Mind you, this game is all about conspiracies and whatnot (with bad language), so it’s not necessarily everybody’s cup of tea.

Sorry, folks: Issue 11 of The Secret World dropped today.

I spent the afternoon alternatively being terrified of my life as I made way through a this-should-have-been-deserted office building complex, and laughing like a mad Malakite as I used my reward for finishing Issue 11 to visit great wrath upon select bosses in the Forces of Evil from Issues 1 to 10. Because I was so awesome that they gave me a BOOM Stick.  Possibly too much of a BOOM Stick: it’s gonna get nerfed soon, I’m sure of it.

…Yeah, yeah, I know: if you don’t play The Secret World you don’t care.  Imagine how my wife feels: she had to listen to me analyze what the Issue 11 reward will do to PvP (what it will do will cause a lot of formerly-arrogant rhino-hides to rage-quit because everybody will one-shot them). Over dinner. Because I apparently turned into one of those people when I wasn’t looking.

Anyway, that’s why I was quiet today.  Well, quiet here. I was cackling elsewhere.

This kind of makes me feel better about myself.

I’ve never done this to a MMO Game Master.

I started working for a video game company a few months ago as a Game Master. I’m the guy who talks to you in-game, listens to your gripes about how stuff is bugged or broken, and then honestly tries to help you out.

Unfortunately, more often than not, you’re AFK, not online, left me a message saying to contact you on another character, appalled that it took me more than 5 minutes to get to you, or you simply feel the need to rage at me about how you pay my salary and I should give you back the bag of items you accidentally destroyed even though the game asked you “Are you sure you want to do that?”.

And I’ll say this for The Secret World‘s tech support: they’re pretty accessible. The one time I had a problem with my character, they were prompt (I don’t consider 5 minutes to be a long time to process a text-based request for help) and helpful. ‘Course, I might have sulked a little if I hadn’t gotten that item back…

Moe Lane

PS: Yeah, sorry, I’m feeling better, but I don’t feel great.  I figure a little mild babbling is acceptable.

New content for The Secret World, finally.

Some Tokyo missions, which that world badly needs; a couple of new skills for the brilliant/PitA/both AEGIS system; and the ability to buy new animations and emotes for your character.  I expect that the last one will be most popular.

Yup, I’m still playing the game.  On the cusp of being able to do the really, really hard dungeons, in fact.  It’s a thing. Continue reading New content for The Secret World, finally.

Sorry. PvP Death-matching.

Spawn camper – which is rare for the game, but they get newbies in every so often. Point of pride to go back, clear out the objectives, get an achievement, and level up my Battle Rank via getting XP from the camper in question.

Yes, the game sucks you in. But I really don’t get the attraction of spawn camping.  The furballs are hella more fun.

This is not entirely dissimilar to one of my The Secret World Characters.

I suppose that I shouldn’t admit that, but what the heck. It’s an amusing video.

Mind you, my Secret World character is also carrying an Assault Rifle – which, bizarrely, is one of the items that you also use to heal* in that game – but I suppose that wouldn’t have worked for the ad. Continue reading This is not entirely dissimilar to one of my The Secret World Characters.

Blue Ridge Mine Lore 2 Location (The Secret World).

(Sorry for dragging my MMORPG into this site, but this was insanely problematic to figure out and the unstated rule at The Secret World is Thou Shalt Throw A Rope To People Still Stuck In The Quicksand.)

Anyway, anybody reading this who plays the game: yes, they moved the Blue Ridge Mine Lore 2 location to 470 575.  No, you cannot jump over* or down.  You don’t have to.  Go to here (462 580) in Blue Mountain:


…face in the direction of the Lore (which should be there, taunting you), and jump across (headed east).  Hit the angle just right and hug the dang wall and you should be able to get to the ledge with the Lore.  Sprinting may muck you up on this: so turn it off. That specific area is also a dead zone for monsters, so you should have plenty of time to get it right.

If it works, throw a rope to the next person you see stuck in the metaphorical quicksand.

Moe Lane

*Well, I couldn’t jump across, and I tried for several days.