This is going to be the funniest thing that you read this morning. Executive summary: there was this guy named Tucker Max – whose name I was apparently expected to recognize on sight; I had to look him up to discover that he wrote this book called I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell – who was looking to donate 500K to charity in order to reduce his tax burden. So his agent suggested that Max contribute it to Planned Parenthood in Texas; Max, being pro-choice (of course*) decided that this was, in fact, a perfect charity for him (of course*). Everything was going swimmingly until somebody at PP recognized the name ‘Tucker Max’ and hit the panic button. They ended up adamantly refusing taking the money under any circumstances whatsoever, citing Max’s (allegedly extremely juvenile**) writing towards women. That led to this unintentionally hysterical exchange: Continue reading #rsrh Tucker Max discovers the true meaning of Planned Parenthood.