In Nomine Revisited: Usul, Angel of Chocolate.

As I recall, the major objection to this one was that I made the Angel of Chocolate a dude. Don’t yell at me; yell at Frank Herbert. He’s the guy I was ripping off, after all.

Cherub Master of the Armies of God
Angel of Chocolate (with apologies to Frank Herbert)

Corporeal Forces: 5 Strength: 8 Agility: 12
Ethereal Forces: 6 Intelligence: 12 Precision: 12
Celestial Forces: 6 Will: 12 Perception: 12
Word-Forces: 17

Vessel: human male/5, Charisma +1

Skills: Dodge/6, Emote/6, Fast-Talk/3, Fighting/6, Knowledge (Chocolate/6, Biochemistry/6, Theology/3), Large Weapon/3 (Sword), Survival/6 (Desert), Savoir-Faire/3, Small Weapon/6 (Knife), Tactics/6

Songs: Affinity (Corporeal/6), Battle (Celestial/6), Charm (Corporeal/3, Ethereal/3, Celestial/6), Light (Celestial/6), Might (All/2), Motion (Celestial/6), Shields (All/6, virtuoso), Tongues (Corporeal/3, Ethereal/3) … and what’s rumored to be a very specific Pestilence (Corporeal/6) and Entropy (Corporeal/6).

Attunements: Cherub of the Sword, Seraph of the Sword, Mercurian of the Sword, Cherub of Flowers, Scabbard, Purity of Purpose, Holy Fortitude, Rock Hard, One to One, Transubstantiation, Smite, Synchronicity, Master of the Armies of God, Angel of Chocolate

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