Sad and happy, all at the same time. Via @BrianFaughnan.
My thanks to everyone who served, to keep my country free.
Sad and happy, all at the same time. Via @BrianFaughnan.
My thanks to everyone who served, to keep my country free.
My thanks to everyone who fought, suffered, and died so that I could grow up in a place of peace and security.
And thank you for your service.
A day of remembrance: I usually think of my father, who served in Korea – and who was very, very careful not to talk too much of what he saw there. The older I get, the more I start to see why Dad may have thought that way. So… my prayers and good wishes to all veterans and their loved ones, and may we all have more peace in our lives.
I will not say “Happy Veterans Day,” because it was and is a terrible – no matter how necessary – thing that we asked those men and women to do on our behalf. I always remember this paragraph:
Johnny thought back to ’44 when he had first seen them march, old men and young boys, because the proper “shooters” were away to war. And of something that should not be on Broad Street in Philadelphia on the first day of January, men riding in the parade because, merciful Heaven forgive us, they could not walk.
Thank you.
Moe Lane
Found this video online. Pretty good.
My thanks to those who served.
My thanks for their service to all my country’s veterans. Especially the ones reading my blog.