Dave Reichert *might* be running for Washington Senate. Or governor.

(H/T Instapundit) Interesting.

The man who could be the GOP’s top recruit is, at least publicly, noncommittal. Rep. Dave Reichert, a six-term congressman who’s flirted with statewide office before, told CQ Roll Call in a statement Monday, “My entire career I have always kept my options open. I have considered every possibility that has been put in front of me.”

Reichert isn’t ruling out a Senate bid, but he’s more often mentioned as a gubernatorial contender. He could just as well decide to stay put in Washington’s 8th District, which, thanks to redistricting, is now safer turf for a Republican. But just in case, Reichert’s aides confirmed last year to the Seattle Times that he has owned ReichertforGovernor.com and ReichertforSenate.com since at least 2011.

Continue reading Dave Reichert *might* be running for Washington Senate. Or governor.

Industrial companies may want to consider fleeing from Washington State.

They’re getting a little… censorious over there over climate traitors and whatnot.

[K.C.] Golden, like [Governor Jay Inslee], argues Washington needs a cap on carbon emissions to provide certainty. That cap, however, is false security and politicians have consistently found ways around the targets when the politics became difficult.

When I pointed this out at the forum, noting that the caps were not politically enforceable, Golden snapped, “How about cap-and-jail?”

Continue reading Industrial companies may want to consider fleeing from Washington State.

#Obamacare’s expanded Medicaid asset seizure bonanza.

Hey, you had to pass the act to find out what was in it:

It wasn’t the moonlight, holiday-season euphoria or family pressure that made Sofia Prins and Gary Balhorn, both 62, suddenly decide to get married.

It was the fine print.

As fine print is wont to do, it had buried itself in a long form — Balhorn’s application for free health insurance through the expanded state Medicaid program. As the paperwork lay on the dining-room table in Port Townsend, Prins began reading.

She was shocked: If you’re 55 or over, Medicaid can come back after you’re dead and bill your estate for ordinary health-care expenses.

Continue reading #Obamacare’s expanded Medicaid asset seizure bonanza.

Jan Angel’s officially complicated, official Washington State Senate win.

So Nathan Wurtzel tipped me the wink that Jan Angel officially won her state Senate race in Washington State:


…and I went to look it up I got reminded of something: the Washington state GOP is playing a pretty good coalition game over there. Continue reading Jan Angel’s officially complicated, official Washington State Senate win.

Phosphate smuggling in Washington!

It is the little things that grate.  Or get stuck to the plate of one’s ire.

Ace of Spades HQ has the details. What’s happening here is that Washington State Democrats have banned phosphates from dish detergents because it’s cheaper than upgrading their water treatment plants – excuse me, ‘better for the environment’ – in Spokane County as a test bed for a banning of the stuff statewide in 2010. Unfortunately, there’s a reason why they put phosphates in dish detergent: it softens ‘hard’ water, which the Pacific Northwest has an abundance of (it can be softened at the water treatment plants, but, again, the Democrats think that banning phosphates is cheaper). Hard water + no phosphates in dish detergents = dishwashers don’t work properly – so people are now getting into their cars and driving to Idaho, where people are happy to sell them all the phosphate-enriched dish detergent that they want. And anything else, while they’re there. They can go to other parts of the state, too – but that obviously will go away next year. How long it takes before Washington Democrats close the borders to phosphate smugglers is anybody’s guess; I’m picking 2011.

So, to recap: a good-intentioned policy position by the Washington Democratic party has instead degraded quality of life in its target area, increased the use of burned hydrocarbons in its target area, cost local retailers business in its target area, and is not being particularly successful in its stated objective. And yet there is no indication that this program is being recognized as a failure: so it’s still pretty much on-track to be adopted statewide anyway. And if you actually don’t like having food encrusted to your plate, you’re expected to pretty much suffer. And if you complain, you’ll probably have to listen to an inevitable – and smug – lecture from somebody who thinks that he knows how to organize your life better than you do.

Isn’t one-party rule grand, Washington State?

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.