We’re getting hit with a tropical storm Saturday. Sorta.

It’s going to be a lot more of an Eastern Shore problem than an inland Maryland problem. That being said, they’ve already canceled the SCA event my wife was going to attend, and we’re gonna get wind and rain. Will there be a power failure? Very possibly! Will it get fixed right away? I guess we’ll see!

At any rate: if you live on the Eastern Seaboard, please avoid mucking about with small boats this weekend. Thanks.

Internet out and in today.

Thunderstorms and fairly heavy winds, at times. At least it’ll cool things down around here for the next few days. August goes on.

Tomorrow I get to bring the books over to the MD Renn Faire – I’ll be there on September 10th to sell my books. If you’re in the area, come on by! …After buying your ticket, like, now. They sell out fast. Best to just buy them now, methinks.


If you live in the top half of the country, please stay safe.

We got a bad dose of snow and freezing rain going through that’s going to make life fun for half the country by Saturday. My kids’ schools are already doing two-hour delays tomorrow, which is impressive. Normally they wait until 3 AM before making that particular call. I give it only a 70% chance that they have school at all, honestly.

So, stay safe and contemplate the idea of avoiding non-essential travel. I dunno, make some cocoa or something.

Blizzard warning for Hawaii*.

*The highest part of Hawaii Island, not the entire island chain. The ten-day forecast for Honolulu shows storms, with a high of about eighty degrees. But it’s still kind of neat, hey?

Today was the traditional first “Why was this a snow day, again?” of the school year.

I have a weird situation in my county: I live in suburbia, but most of the county is semi-rural and there’s apparently some kind of natural climate line along I-95*. Go west of it, and rain will often start turning to snow. But they make the decision to shut down schools on the county levels, so my kids are used to seeing snow on the ground and assuming that there’s a two hour delay. Today they just… closed school completely, and the rain washed it all away by noon.

I ain’t that happy about this. I mean, the kids were fine, but: I had things to do today, man. Maybe they should try salting the damn back roads more?

Moe Lane

PS: A bit early, too. Normally we get stuff like this happening after Christmas. I mean, it’s not even technically winter yet.

*This is probably wrong and I’m just imagining it and I still think that that’s what’s happening.

OK, this is perfect weather.

61 degrees at 11 PM. That’s awesome. That’s perfect. Let’s go with this weather profile until mid-November, OK?

I mean, I know that it’s not going to last. Gonna go back up to 80 tomorrow, which is also fine. But, man, while I love June the most I also love a proper Halloween/harvest climate. Warm, but winding down days; and cool, breeze-full nights that make me want to drink cocoa and read Ray Bradbury. That is best in life.

Moe lane

PS: Mind you, between January and early March I’m typically miserable and can’t wait for heat again.

…It was just too freaking hot today.

I got enervated. Which is a good word, but I’m not even sure if I’ve ever put it in a sentence before. I’m almost 50; surely I’ve had cause to use it for something.

Anyway, it was just too danged hot out to do anything. So when I did, it hit like a brick wall. It’ll be better tomorrow, but not by much — and now they’re putting out a flash flood warning for tomorrow. Somebody remind me again why in God’s name we settled Maryland?