Busy weekend!

Spent today making deadlines. Will spend tomorrow selling books while my wife plays the harp and sips wine. Sunday, I train my replacement for baronial chronicler*. Monday? …Apparently the Garfield flick with my youngest.

June’s gonna be busy.

Moe Lane

*I’ve been doing it since before the pandemic. It’s time for somebody else to get that job.

Holiday Weekend posting!

The holiday being my birthday, of course. Which is actually Monday, but when you have kids you don’t usually go to breweries on Mondays. Well… I guess you can? But we’re going to do the sensible thing and do the ‘Moe has some beers’ on the weekend.

Also, to be honest about it: I’m kind of burned out. Unproductive and too-busy is a darkly potent combo. Some steam release sounds appropriate. So… reduced posting this weekend! Everybody go get a beverage.

Gonna be light posting this weekend.

I’m starting a campaign for my group – shock! In Nomine! It was requested! – Saturday and Sunday I’m talking with a book group (mom’s side of the family). I’ve been good about not nagging family members to buy the books, but they absolutely will buy some now for this. So, gonna be a busy weekend.

I should also get some writing in. Those books ain’t gonna write themselves.

Busy weekend. Heck, week.

I got everything from a wedding anniversary to a overnight trip to a kid going in for medical dentistry on Wednesday. And, hey, four-day weekend for both kids before that.  So if I seem to be babbling more than usual by Thursday, well, that’s the reason. Definitely expect sparse posting tomorrow…