@alyankovic Now offering digital remastered mega-box set.

The deadline for preorders is February 28.  All fourteen of Weird Al Yankovic’s previously-released (and now digitally remastered) albums, plus one additional album of “previously unreleased and non-album tracks.”  You can get ’em in either CD or vinyl, because vinyl is well and truly apparently coming back, at least for a while.  Vinyl is still more expensive; then again, the minimum price for getting all the music is going to be $200.

Which makes it a little rich for my blood, especially since I have most of these albums anyway.  Still, this is a very nice deal, what with the remastering and so forth. Check it out…

And so @alyankovic wins in the end.

I was showing this video to my kid, because he’s old enough to start getting a proper education, and I realized: Weird Al turned out to be right, after all.  Mark Hamill will have at least two new Star Wars acting credits (decades after the originals), by the time this is all over. And he is an older gentlemen, at this point.  WHO’S LAUGHING NOW, INTERNET?