I’m flattered that Little Miss Attila thinks so highly of this site, but even if I thought that this list of the supposed top 100 political blogs made any coherent sense, ML still wouldn’t be on it. I’m not going to pretend that I don’t have some influence in this field; I’m a major contributor and site moderator for RedState, which is one of the top 100 political blogs. But RS isn’t ML.
Not that I take the aforementioned list seriously, anyway. If I understand this correctly, the rankings are chosen via a combination of: a). outbound links from RSS feeds and b). Wikio’s internal rankings of the blogs in question, modified by ‘freshness.’ Translation: if you get linked to a lot by blogs with high Wikio ranks whose RSS feeds allow HTML, you’re well on your way to being one of Wikio’s top 100 bloggers. If not, well, Wikio will be happy to encourage you to behaviors that will enhance your Wikio score.
Personally, I would be worried if ML was on this list: the traffic for this site is about what I’d expect from the linkages that I get. If I got enough links from high-ranked blogs to put me on the top 100 list, but wasn’t getting their traffic, I’d be forced to conclude that none of the readers from those sites were actually clicking through; they were just reading the summaries/excerpts and moving on. I don’t mind that so much from the Other Side – I more or less disagree with RS McCain’s Rule 4; starting a fight with a Left-sphere blogger is almost never worth the usually miniscule traffic – but it’d be alarming coming from mine.
All that being said: I have no idea why Politico isn’t on that list. By Wikio’s own rules – flawed as they might be – it should be in the top ten.