First Word on The Witcher 3: like Skyrim, but more German/Slavic/Magyar.

Which is not necessarily a bad thing; I’ve clocked in a staggering amount of hours in Skyrim*.  And, apparently, so have the folks making The Witcher 3.  Anyway, first details here; sounds like I’m not the only one who found certain aspects of The Witcher 2‘s inventory system annoying as all hell.  It also sounds like The Witcher 3’s not quite yet ready for release, alas.

Moe Lane

*Dragonborn’s going well so far, actually.

This happens every time.

I received The Witcher Enhanced yesterday – three weeks early, actually! – and now I’m having difficulty trying to convince my hand-eye reflexes that no, I’m not still playing Dragon Age 2.  At least there’s no nausea this time…

Graphics-wise: the people are a lot more believable-looking than some of Bioware’s other NPCs.  It’s a pretty game, for given values of pretty.  And, hey! – an user’s manual that’s actually useful.  Woo-hoo!